Vickers, Well I just had a attack, it was horrific, My husband has gone to work and is totally disgusted with me, I am home alone with my little boy, he works till midnight, I took 1/2 Klonopin, a whole one will put me to sleep and I cannot do that, I started to shake with fear and dread, I hate taking klonopin in the middle of the day, I normally take it a night, it will calm me but I fear I will fall asleep and I cannot do that, the attack stemmed from feeling so weak dizzy and exhausted and feeling like I am going to die, I see the fear and confusion in my son's eyes and I just want to die, I feel so terrible about what this is doing to him, its like this "monster" is so powerful I cannot control it, I did not think you could have a relapse on meds, I hate to call my psych nurse-practioner, it almost seems she does not know what to say or do anymore, even through she is very nice and has helped me alot, she wants me to take 2 whole klonopins a day, then I get scared I will over-dose, the burning and cramping in my lower stomach is so bad, I hope it is just nerves, when the sun goes down I feel better, I have been hiding from friends and neighbors, they keep telling me how bad I look, how sick, my husband does not want me around other people, he says "lock up the house and stay inside" I guess he does not want our neighbors and friends to think I am "crazy" its probably easier than fibbing and saying I have a cold or flu, I feel this panic, depression has to be hid, noone understands and 3 years ago I lost my best friend because she kept saying I think too much about myself, am selff-absorbed and selfish and a drama queen, that hurt so bad, that is not true, I HATE thinking about myself, I just want to step out of my body and BE someone else! I do not know if I can go through this again, it was SO hard to recover 3 years ago, I am older and weaker, and I fear I will not be able to do it again, I HATE taking meds, the Zoloft does not help, the Klonopin helps a little, but I fear addiction, is two 0.5 a day too much? will I overdose? my nurse says no but I still fear it, does anyone else take klonopin?? I have to calm down my little boy will become upset, my mother-in-law says "they are going to have to commit you Debbie unless you staighten out" the worst thi