euphoria like i hate when everything feels like doom,and its really bad when your in a public place i feel for ya,but you made it congrats..i hate it sometimes i can tell its coming for me like the taste in my mouth changes,things look diffrent its much xanax did you take total?i take 1mg 3 times a day ive been on it for a toal of 5 years sometime it sometime it dosent...its a **** shoot..anyways i hope you get better soon,glad the xanax worked for ya..
I have this problem when it gets uncomfortably warm or hot and when there is too much noise. With the help of this website, I am becoming more aware of my anxious thoughts and learning how they trigger the attack. I've caught myself when my husband is talking extra loud (he talks really loud!) and I start feeling anxious and panicky and I say to myself, ok this has been a trigger for you before, but it doesn't have to be because everything is ok. Usually it helps, sometimes it doesn't but I'm still working on it. Try to catch your thoughts before they creep up on you or when you feel them creeping up on you and see if it helps. I hope that helps!
I know what you mean about smells. I am like that with food for some weird reason. If I am not hungry and have to sit and watch someone else eat, it makes me feel awful and that always leads to panic. I have a big thing with restaurants because of it. I will be so hungry but I sit down and smell food and get anxious. Its weird how a smell can induce these panic attacks. My therapist said that sometimes panic attacks are caused by things we are unaware of. Like you think you have the attack becasue of one thing but something else subconsiously caused it. Maybe the smells remind us of something. I dunno.
Yesterday I was sitting in this little nail salon geting my nails done before a meeting. It was hot in there, they had this incense burning and the smells of the nail solution was strong. And guess what? DUH!
i started feeling like i could not breathe, and then the panic attack started. I actually had the thumping and jittery heart and sweat and feeling like I wanted to go to the ER instead of my meeting!!!
I stopped, popped two Xanax in my mouth and as soon as I got out of there I started feeling better.