Jazz.........One of my favorite Stats peeker and shower.........Thank you for being you
Impalamania......Dave you lived all my pain and heartache a few days ahead of me...you let me know how it was going to be and what to expect and what to brace myself for. It made it easier knowing it was coming and you were fighting through it too. I can't repay that to you but I damn sure can help others like you did me. Thank you Buddy.
buggerdb.........If I was 39.95 again.....I'd be wanting to make the beach a NUDE beach.........As it is now....I want it.....just can't remember why......
My Milage:
My Quit Date: 1/27/2009 Smoke-Free Days: 92 Cigarettes Not Smoked: 2,760 Amount Saved: $386.40 Life Gained: Days: 19 Hrs: 7 Mins: 14 Seconds: 38
Bob.. on a side note... love that new quote you have there. Although with the price of everything, you might be able to get away with $49.95... and being smoke free.. now you are down to $39.95. Young enough for mowing the lawn in the speedo. See how easy that was! My Milage:
My Quit Date: 4/3/2009 Smoke-Free Days: 25 Cigarettes Not Smoked: 375 Amount Saved: $187.50 Life Gained: Days: 2 Hrs: 18 Mins: 26 Seconds: 40
Bob, you are a star quitter. Huge congratulations on 3 months. It's an awesome milestone, and you're such a wonderful addition to our cyber family. Thanks for being here! ( - can't leave without admiring your stats!) lol
My Milage:
My Quit Date: 1/3/2008 Smoke-Free Days: 481 Cigarettes Not Smoked: 9,620 Amount Saved: $3,655.60 Life Gained: Days: 52 Hrs: 12 Mins: 21 Seconds: 20
Thanks deb......One day I'll be at 422 like you......Great Job.......
buggerdb.....It is a pretty time of the year up there.....Thanks for your support and all your help with others too....you're doing great!!!! ...... I wish it was "down for the count".....but..I just keep saying N.O.P.E......
My Milage:
My Quit Date: 1/27/2009 Smoke-Free Days: 91 Cigarettes Not Smoked: 2,730 Amount Saved: $382.20 Life Gained: Days: 19 Hrs: 1 Mins: 54 Seconds: 33