Since I have been here I have learned two things that stand above all the rest.
One is never to judge anyone for trying to Quit and not making it.
The other is never to try to tell anyone how or when to Quit....just offer ideas and advice and show it can be done if they ask.
Now.....I'm going to add a third...... Never judge anyone for their reasons to Quit.
It's all personal. Each of us has our own agenda for Quitting.
Personally.....I'm glad you Quit brat.......I'm glad your health is going to be better because of it.......
I thought my Quit was hard......yours had to be much harder I would think. And staying off them too.....I'm impressed. You are a strong willed person. Proud to know you. That 186 days along with your desire to still be smoking should show MANY new Quitters that they can win against their addict.......even if they don't REALLY want to. It gives me a new resolve.
Thank you
My Milage:
My Quit Date: 1/27/2009 Smoke-Free Days: 85 Cigarettes Not Smoked: 2,550 Amount Saved: $357.00 Life Gained: Days: 17 Hrs: 20 Mins: 0 Seconds: 23
I think we have tried to train our minds to thinking that we hate smoking, and the nicodemon, and all to beat this thing. I can honestly say a number of times during week 1 and a little into week 2 that I was losing a friend, and losing something for myself. My wife hated my spending on cigs... but you probably could have raised the amount to $25.00 per pack, and would have still paid for them. I just ended up being tired of the health issues and the complaints, and how most really weren't that good. It was just those couple that kept you going... Anyhow, hope at some point that the health gained with not smoking overrides the joy of smoking for you brat.
My Milage:
My Quit Date: 4/3/2009 Smoke-Free Days: 18 Cigarettes Not Smoked: 270 Amount Saved: $135.00 Life Gained: Days: 2 Hrs: 1 Mins: 34 Seconds: 36
I think most of us didn't care how much we spent in smokes. We are addicts,so It doesn't matter how much they cost, we would pay any price.An addict can sacrifice everything in order to have money for the addiction.
But as a motivation tool to stay quit ,I do consider how much I'm saving every day. I agree with you. We use to smoke because we liked it, of course, and we enjoyed it. But again all the addictions are like that. We wouldn't do a thing we didn't find pleasurable if we know it has lots of side effects.
And I agree with you every quitting story is different, and every person quits for his or her personal reasons.
Keep kicking ash!
My Milage:
My Quit Date: 1/23/2009 Smoke-Free Days: 88 Cigarettes Not Smoked: 1,320 Amount Saved: $132.00 Life Gained: Days: 10 Hrs: 1 Mins: 49 Seconds: 1