To all my friends any words of encouragement will help. I feel like I have had one big breakdown! The pain and bleeding have weakened me to the point of collaspe, I have nausea and dizziness and had chest pains something I rarely ever have, my Father called from Ohio and yelled at me for not seeing a "real" Doctor, I tried to explain I could not go in our HMO plan without a referel from my primary and could not get one because they have no open appt's and would not see me, he said this nurse hurt me instead of helped and got me all upset, I have not dressed or showered in 3 days which is so unlike me, I feel like I am dying, the panic depression and fear are overwhelming, the nurse never called back which makes me think she knows she messed up and is afraid to call me, if she would just reassure me I am going to be alright and live, the bleeding tapered last night and now is back, I have shook for 4 hours, the Zoloft makes it worse, I just took 1/2 klonopin just to stop the shaking, I keep remembering all my girls words, "its late its going to be heavy" everytime I try to eat I vomit, which makes the blood loss worse, my husband is working and I am all alone with my little boy fearing I am going to die and he will see it and be traumatized, I feel like the medical profession has let me down noone will help me, I am even afraid to sleep which is strange, please say some prayers for me to heal, I do not understand what she did to my uterus, I am sorry to sound so crazed, just alone scared and bleeding and in pain. God, I hope this passes I cannot live like this anymore. Debbie.