Dear Outlaw, I feel your pain. I have had a rough few months and the last few weeks were unbearable, the people on this site helped me so much. I did not panic today, I think I was too exhausted, instead it felt like a deep black despair, I often ask myself like you, "am I losing it" we are not, we are hyper-sensitive in perceiving all our body sensations, the best I ever felt is when I took Paxil and Lorozapam, now I take Zoloft and Klonoin, I feel like I have a natural "speed or cocaine" going in my body. You are not crazy, my nurse-practioner said panic disorder and preoccupation with your health is not a mental illness, nor are you crazy, dont' you wish we had a on/off swithch for this? My problems are "women-related" I know more woman have this than men, my brother has panic attacks and many others do. I hope this post helps Outlaw, you are not crazy and one day I know you will feel better, I got better for 2 years and have suffered a relapse, but I am praying for recovery, do you take meds? I will pray for you outlaw as I do everyone on this site. Take care. Debbie.