Thats great! The bonus is at least you know[i]why[/i] you felt panicky. It is a normal response to hear about your Grandfathers illness and have a fear concerning your husband. Plus you were able to ignore one of your panic attack symptoms, and the attack didnt happen. Thats excellent.
OH!!!!! How WONDERFUL and exciting news!!!!
Not only did you overcome a fear, but you also beat a panic attack all in the same day!!!
This is BIG news and awesome to hear!!!
Last night, I just said a prayer for all of us, for God to just grant us some peace for today, that we may all just be able to rest.
I am sooooo very proud and happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everything went okay at the airport. Felt no anxiety at all. But to day was a bit harder. I almost had a panic attack. I was getting ready to leave my house with my mom and aunts and my husband was on the phone with his mom. He hung up and told me his grandfather, wh we are close with, has cancer. I was so upset. I had this huge fear of leaving my husband at that time. My first signal of a panic attack is a tingle in my throat. Weird huh? I felt that but was able to ignore it. I got in the car with my mom and aunts and went. I was fine after that. I am so proud of myself that I went. It was a huge deal. I thought I wouldn't make it but I did it!!!! All this hoping and praying is actually working, though I am still upset about our grandfather. He is such a nice man, father of 5 grandfather of 17. I am trully bummed baout this. Please keep him in your prayers. Hope everyone is having a anxiety free night!!!