Ever since my "procedure" I have been bleeding badly weak dizzy and tired. I feel like the life is draining from my body, I even told my husband to call a priest for last rites, he thinks I am insane probably. I called the GYN nurse-practioner twice and she willNOT call me back, my husband says she got the money and now I am on my own, I even called my primary care Doctor since I have not even seen yet out of desparation, the secretary coldly told me to follow up with the GYN who treated me, I would be glad to if she would just phone back, the pain and bleeding are rough and its scaring me to death I am going to bleed to death and die, I will NEVER EVER see another medical person, they mistreat you, hurt you, and leave you to die or suffer on your own, I should never of went I was better off just in pain instead of bleeding and pain, you would think she would call back but I know she will not, I hate to agree with my Husband but she has the money and now will not help me, I am afraid to even nap afraid I will not wake up, I am so scared. Debbie.