Hi Lauren, I just read your post, I have been in bed most of the day, but first please do not be anxious about tomm, I do not like airports either, is it possible to meet your Aunts outside the airport another words as they walk outside that way you can be in fresh air and more relaxed? I am sure they would not mind thats what I normally do when I have to go to airports, if not I am sure you will be fine now-a-days they try to get you in and out quickly. I wrote another post on the other topic, I started my monthly today and the pain and bleeding are horrific, apparently this "GYN" was a nurse I was led to believe she was an MD she "rotated stimulated and massaged" my uterus to bring on my delayed period, I hope this was alright, my friends GYN told her {she called him} there are much better ways like a shot of progesterone or provera, and she did NOT do a pap smear so I might of had an cyst fibriod or something, she did a blood preg test but results not till MOnday!! Does this sound right to you? This is exactly why I hate going for medical help, I think I am worse off with all this pain and bleeding, my husband could not go to work today and now will probably get in trouble, even he was shocked by the amount of blood and my pain, I just hope I am alright, it took so much for me to go yesterday and look what happens this is why I hate seeking medical help, I am afraid of hemmoraging I called her back 3 times she fianlly called back and said I was fine she just stimilated the uterus to start my period, have you ever heard of this?? Well I will talk to you soon, I will pray you do fine at the airport I know you will. Debbie.