On my 13th day I ran into sort of a stumbling block I guess, I have been taking the meds religously, and things have been going fairly well, like I said before I am not sure if it was the meds or the fact that I was a bit more relaxed just letting the meds do their thing. During the evening before bed I had a huge mug of hot chocolate, usually I ride the bike for 20k before I go to bed but was too tired but for some reason my heart felt like it was racing a bit, nothing serious at all up to like 90 bpm usually its at 66-72 bpm when Im sitting around. Anyways it did kind of worry me but I just said well not much I can do probably the caffiene in the hot chocolate, so I went to bed, for some reason I woke up at 2am and my heart was still racing so I was still worried, but for some reason I didn't freak out like I had on occasion in the past( I hardly ever got a racing heartrate) Anyways all of a sudden I just laid down and felt very comfortable like Im talking seconds after I started having these feelings and went back to sleep, my wife asked me like 2 mins later if I was ok and it kind of woke me up and I just said ya I was already back to sleep lol, where as before I would have been up for at least an hour pacing and out of bed. My heart rate is absolutely normal today so maybe it was the hot chocolate or maybe it was the meds kicking in finally after the 2 weeks they said it would probably take. I have my appointment with my counsellor/therpist tomorrow so I will ask about it anyways.
Hi Tita, no problem post all the questions on here you have and I will try and answer the best I can