scaredindixie, when i talk about breathing, I feel much
discomfort. But in my case it is more pychological than
physical. I just get uneasy feeling like i have to montior it
while I'm trying to do something else. My problem is that I
cannot convince my subconsience that my breathing is an
autonomic function (meaning something my body does on its
own) and there is no need to monitor every breath i take. I
dont really understand it myself, but the fear is just there. I
rarely feel like cant catch my breath, its more just like i get
butterflies and a nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach.
Sometimes that pain worses into cramps and then I feel like I
have to goto the bathroom. its kinda hard to explain, but in
some way i think you understand.
i have a problem with dreams and night panic attacks. i feel very alone at night for some reason. i dream very intensley and have a hard time comming out of my dreams. i have a hard time sleeping anyway because my anxiety levels are always so high. my most troubling symptom is feeling like i cant breath. like my chest and back have a weight on them and i cant get a breath and sometimes i feel like my throat is closing up on me or sometimes i feek like i have to breath like i have just run a mile when i have been sitting around not doing anything. causes at least two or three major attacks a week and daily small ones.
i hope you feel better, when you talk about breathing what do you feel like?
i to if i dont get enough sleep i feel way worse..about feeling edgy im like that to,sometimes i can tell when i wake up what my day will be like by the way i feel..i take my usual xanax and than it just comes natural striaght up panic edgy,feeling of being afraid its terrible..
Woke up last night with an attack. Scale of 1-10 it was an 8. I was so panicked yet I felt half concious. Like I was dreaming it or something yet I know I was awake. Got up to use the bathroom and felt like I was drifting through the motions. *sigh* Rough night I hope this gets better soon.
I am more likely to be panicky if I am tired. It sounds like you are able to sleep but the quality of the sleep isn't good. I hate being tired, I feel so much worse. I was up every hour last night and I am exhausted now. I keep thinking that if I could get some good sleep I would feel so much better.
do any one you all ever dream so heavily in your sleep, that
you feel like your taking in too much. It feels very
overwelming. I think the scariest part is in the morning when
I'm trying to get up, but I feel paraylized. Its like I'm half
asleep and half awake and I want to get out of bed but it is in
my dream and when I try to I get anxious b/c I'm really still
sleeping. Its like I'm trapped in sleep and cannot escape.
When I finally come to, my panic levels are soaring and I feel
very edgy for a good part of the day. This doesnt happen
very often, but when it does, it is like a nitemare that doesnt
leave when you wake up. I think this is partially b/c in my
mind I have based sleep as my only true escape from my
biggest fear: i dont have to think about breathing when I am
asleep. but the thought of being in a coma-like state forever
really scares me and that feeling of not being able to wake
up really does the trick.