I definitely know what you are saying. I sometimes am walking out of my car and an overwhelming feeling of going to faint overcomes me!I force myself to try to make myself not do that (in fear of embarrasement). It is such a frightening feeling. I usually pop some zanax then start to feel a little better. My fear is that maybe the zanax won't work and i get uptight about that.Its gotten to the point where I am afraid to go out sometimes making myself feel panicy before it starts. Does this sound familiar? Thanks for listening. Karen
No. But I can tell you I certainly feel very close to passing out during a panic attack. Very dizzy and light headed and I think at times I would welcome the "passing out" to just not feel the emotions of panic.
I've had Panic Dissorder for 8 years now. I am curious to know if anyone else has ever had the symptom of passing out. I know it sounds crazy that you can 'make' yourself pass out from anxiety but I believe it's possible. I spent 2 years thinking I've had seizures when it's been my panic all along. You may think.. hmm well she probably hyperventilates until she passes out. I don't do that though. I seem to just drop flat out on the floor cold. No response to those calling me or smelling salts etc. I was admitted to Johns Hopkins hospital for a 3 day study on this. They found my brain to be normal and awake during these episodes but I would still not respond. Their conclusion is that I pass out due to anxiety built up in my subconcious. They say it's not always something bothering you right that moment but in the back of your mind you could be holding it all in and then my body deals with it by passing out cold turkey. I've never heard of such a thing but I'm curious if anyone else has experienced the same thing. Remember this is not hyperventilating or lack of breathing at all. Curious to your responses. (sorry again about spelling etc. having an attack now)