Hi Gina, My ham is still cooking, I am so glad you are going to your dinner, write me later and let me know how it went, that was very nice of your husband he loves you very much, that was a sweet thing to do. I cannot believe I am falling apart on Easter, my husband is furious and my little boy is just looking at me in confusion, I have convinced myself I have cancer or something terribly wrong, I was even thinking I hope I die in my sleep very soon, because I will NOT go through chemo, radation, lose my hair and vomiting, I will NOT put my son through a slow hell! I cannot believe how my mind is working, my stomach is just burining and paining so bad, my husband is not going to take me Wed, and I don't blame him, we have one car and he told me to take a cab or bus or get a ride, I see his point I cannot and will not ruin my sons award ceramonies, I don't want him to remember me like that. I am sorry I am just freaking, I am going to go in my room I will talk to you later.Crystal if you are reading this I got your lovely e-mail and I will respond later when I compose myself. Debbie.