Lauren, You are NOT a failure! I cannot tell you how many times I could not go anyplace because of exactly of how you are feeling. Please lay down in dark cool room with a fan on and breathe pray and I know it will pass. As I write this I am having a panic attack, I am so angry with myself, as soon as I woke up, my stomach started to cramp and pain so badly, I am trying to hide this from my son, I have convinced myself I have "advanced ovarian cancer" because of the sharp pain and cramps, then I start to shake and panic and then cry, I am so afraid I will wimp out of my appt Wed, just the thought of getting in the car and going there fills me with dread, I am NOT going to give blood because I will pass out, I may change the date, later that evening is the awards ceramony for my son's special olympic's basketball awards, if its bad news or I panic or faint, I cannot ruin that night for my son. My period is 18 days late and I continue to cramp and pain, I am afraid if I go to ER they will put in the mental ward or something, the way I am acting, and that is the last place on earth you want to put someone with panic disorder at. Lauren please just relax today you have not failed, you got scared and that is alright, your husband will probably bring you a plate of food home and you can eat it later when you feel better, no stress later. I am going to check my ham, I doubt I will eat either yet, maybe later, I will just serve my son and Husband, he has to work midnight shift tonight and I will be all alone if anything bursts or ruptures, I am sorry I am so upset, but Lauren see its not just you, so please do not feel guilt! I will talk to you soon. Debbie.