Hi. My biggest symptoms is chest pain and inability to catch air. I feel like my throat is closing and I can not take a deep breath.
When I can distract myself from my panic, the symptoms are not there. Sigh. go figure.
It might help if you take the free anxiety test and print out the results to take to your doctors visit. Thats the reason the test was designed. While it does not diagnose, it can give some clues to your doctor to help in his diagnosis.
Take Care,
The Panic Center Support Team
first of all i want to mention that reading through all of the posts is a great comfort to me to know im not the only one out there that is going through all of this..... i have a new symptom, i seem to shift symptoms over time of what bothers me the worst. right now its breathing. i either feel like i have a pressure on my chest and back and cant get a good breath or other times it actually feels like my throat completley closes. please if anyone else has had theese symptoms tell me. i have theese feeling almost all day everyday unless im really distracted. is this panic or is somthing wrong?