I've been having a lot of trouble lately with derealization. I've had it constantly for about two years, but it's recently become unbearable. Two weeks ago, on my spring break from college, i had a bad experience with marijuana, and i lost all feeling of reality. For about a week after that i felt depressed, with worse derealization symptoms. Not much happened, and i was feeling better, and then i went back to college. One night trying to go to sleep, i suddenly got that "losing reality" feeling, and i got up and i still had it, so i called my parents and they calmed me down, and i went back to sleep. The next day, i felt like i felt the day after my bad drug experience: very depressed, worse derealization. And then, suddenly when i was with my friends, i got that losing reality feeling again. It went away slowly, but today I have been having a really hard time going out of my room bvecause when i do, i get that feeling and it's unbearable. It feels like I'm going crazy. So i went to the doctor and he said i didnt have a fever, and he gave me lorazepam and i think it worked well. If anyone else has had an experience like this, or knows anything about lorazepam, please respond. Responses would be really helpful