hi just wanted to know if your doing o.k..did you go to the doc?i have a lot of uneasiness in my chest after i eat too..and liquid sounds and pains.. doc says it,s acidity and gas ..also do you smoke?that could cause the uneasy feelings as smoking increases the acids and gases in the system..hope this helped..sanju
When dealing with problemas and pain within your chest. It is a good idea to call or visit your doctor. Explain your symptoms and pain and have them check you out.
Hope this helps,
The Panic Center Support Team.
Hi everybody. For the past couple of days I have been having this weird squeezing, tickling feeling in the left side of my chest...My heart just feels weak and sort of tired, I don't know how to explain it. I do have tachycardia but this is happening while my heart rate is normal. I have had this symptom several times before, and it seems to get worse with my anxiety. Anyone else experience this? I am also really late for my period and feel like my horomones are all out of whack. I've been really moody and irritable the past couple of weeks. I am only 24 and am just trying to figure out what the *** is wrong. I am always afraid that I will have an anxiety attack after I eat because I get this wierd feeling in my chest after eating. I am so sick of worrying all the time, I cannot seem to be alone anymore for fear of something happening.Just wondering if anyone else has these same symptoms Thanks guys