Thanks for replying to me!
I am 35, mom of 4 girls ages 14, 10, 9, and 3. I am married for almost 15 years to a husband that attempts to understand me but usually fails.
I do work part time, it is my saving grace. If I did not have a job that is a MUST HAVE to support our family, I am afraid I would become house bound. I am one of those sick women that look forward to work!! I get great satisfaction from it and it keeps me from dwelling on my own issues. I have been doing crisis pregnancy counseling for 8 years and I am the Director for our clinic.
I had my first REAL panic attack in October of 2003 after taking an ambien for sleep. I did not seek medical help until the following January and I was in bad shape. Since then, panic has become my other self. I think I have always had an anxiety issue but since that major panic attack they set it and come and go but lately have been around way too much. My issues stem from more of FEAR of panic attacks, so I can actually think myself into a full blown attack if I actually put effort into it. Somedays I am just fine and I can actually go a week doing well and then Boom! out of the blue for no rhyme or reason I will have a panic attack. Lexapro works good for me as long as I stay on it and I am thankful to hear you got chest pain while on the Lexapro because I have had all the medical test and got clear on each one but I have been seeking a reason for the chest pain.