ive had panice and agoraphobia for years now... it has come and gone with therapy that has come and gone,, but it always finds its way back and this time its worse that it has ever been. im in danger of screwing up my kids and my job. i feel crazy im panicky all day every day but i have attacks , ,, full blown attacks 2 to 6 times daily,,, they happen at home now, at work, at my moms. all the places i used to feel safe.... its still the worst when i drive or know i have to leave the house.i constantly feel like im about to die or go crazy. there is no way to explain this , my kids are mad at me for not doing things with them like we used to, my family says they dont want to deal with me again. what do i do? my symptoms are worse and more troublesom than they have ever been!!!!!!!!!!!!! help me , i would like ot talk to someone one on one...... i feel like i cant breath, i mean really cant breath,,, my stomach bloats towhere it hurts, i get numb,,, and people say OH DONT WORRY YOUR JUST BEING PARANOID oh well that helps/ i feel angry and hopless and ugly and completely exhausted....why does it have to feel so bad.... i know deep down inside that that a panic attack cant hurt me,,, so why is it that they scare me so badly that i cant function normally????? some one help me I HATE BEING SO FREAKIN WEAK, I HAE MYSELF FOR BEING THIS WAY AND LETTING IT GO ON FOR SO LONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!