Something happened to me about an hour ago, I had a explosion in my head and I got so dizzy I vomited now my head hurts and I am slurring my words. I want to go to ER but afraid they will admit me. I have been under extreme pressure about a unplanned pregnancy, I am very late with my monthly and have to have a test Friday, one was negative but my nurse said I performed it too early, I cannot eat all I do is sleep I feel like I am having a nervous breakdown my husband is livid with me and my young son is so confused, I have always in the past pulled it together for my son but this time I am unable to I feel like I am going to die soon, noone can feel this bad and still live it seems. I am 44 years and I am so worried about a baby being born with downs syndrome or blind retarted or deaf also I am not stable or healthy enough to carry a child, but abortion fills me with terror and guilt. I think the constand stress and nerves have fianlly broke me I cannot function, I called my nurse-practioner she said to take Klonopin, it may not be pregnancy just the change of life beginning, I want to believe her but I feel pregnant like I was before. If anyone can help I would appreciate it, I am just going to go to bed for a few days I can't take feeling like this knowing I may have to terminate a child. When I am in bed that is the only time I feel half way alright. I hope I did not ramble just very naucous and dizzy. Thank you Debbie.