Hi Gina,
Sorry about before, I was on here but had to go because my phone was ringing so I had to answer it,
it was my sister, she was ringing me up about our Mum.
I couldn't sleep last night, I was tossing and turning all night, I'm really worried about my Mum and it has made my anxiety worse, I had an anxiety attack this morning and it was bad so I had to take a valium. I feel really bad because I can't be there to help her because she lives to far away, as you know I cannot travel to far away from were I live, I just wish I could get in my car and drive there and stay with her until I know she's okay.
I'm glad you went to the bridal party, I hope you enjoyed yourself.
Well I better go, I need to lay down for a while,
I'll talk to you later,
And also I want to say thank you,
You are truly a great friend, and thanks for caring.