I'm still learning the rules around quitting. I've been doing so well that I have been lulled into a false sense of security by the devil himself-- or perhaps our old friend the nicodemon.
So, imagine yourself feeling like Little Red Riding Hood who was Tra-La-La-ing down the lane when Ghingus (sp?) Khan came out from behind a tree and whomped you good in the hood with.... I don't know.... let's say a Mack Truck (for fun).
Now, with the few neurons we haven't killed, and who aren't in full on battle with withdrawal-- yes, those two-- you two neurons know who you are. Do you--
a) call the neighbor mumbling something about wolves, mack trucks, and neurotransmitters..... and oh yeah! "You simply must have a cigarette... or perhaps a butt of a dirty cigarette..... or maybe you just stepped on a cigarette today and I could just maybe take your shoe over to this dark corner here."
b) cry inconsolably
c) figure out your patch fell off and put another one on while cursing the adhesive company and the entire line of their family for 14 generations to come.
d) breathe, drink water, post a letter that is perhaps only entertaining to oneself
e) lots of "other"
Good luck. You have 3 seconds to decide! (Isn't this the funnest??!!!!)
I picked c (but left the family curse out), and d. If you have some e's you'd like to share to help not only me, but every single other person on this site-- please do. I know they're said often, but I think they need to keep being said often. And please also post those little idiosyncratic things that help you! Like I have recently found that Gregorian chants calm me down in a red hot minute. Who knew?
I keep learning. Everyday. Take that (pow!) nicodemon. Nice try cunning opponent.
P.S. Leave my friends alone.
My Milage:My Quit Date: 8/18/2008
Smoke-Free Days: 17
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 408
Amount Saved: $122.40
Life Gained:Days: 1
Hrs: 16
Mins: 56
Seconds: 53