I think the fear of taking anti-depressants is justified, as these medications are believed to increase anexiety in the first 3 to 4 weeks of therapy. Tita had an excellent suggestion in her post
of slowing increasing the dose of Lexapro to theraputic levels. I've heard of people starting at 5mgs of Lexapro and slowly increasing the dose over weeks until they get to their target levels.
I am so sorry your feeling so bad. I hate when I see people suffering. I too hate taking meds and refuse everything. I really dont even take my zanax unless I just cant get my attack under control. My thought process is getting better though. I will not allow myself to say "OH MY GOD I AM DYING,I HAVE CANCER, I HAVE MS WHAT IF THE DOC DOESNT KNOW ABOUT IT"? blah blah blah. I REFUSE TO DO THAT TO MYSELF ANYMORE!!! I am such a stubborn B!!! But, that's just me. I hope u feel better Tupac I'll be talkin wit you soon K??
Hugs and kisses,
Hi Gina and Outlaw,
I started taking my med 13 days ago to be exact. The way I do and have always done it is start very slowly. Like when I was on Celexa I litterly started at a crumb and worked my way up to 40mg now I just started Effexor you can open the capsule and take it with applesauce so that is what I am doing I have done the same thing started with 1/4 of the capsule for a few days now I am up to a little past 37.5 mg. Guess what No side effects on either meds because I start of slowly. You can do that with Zoloft too and Cymbata I bought myself a pill cutter for the celexa when I was on that. Hope the helps I am already starting to feel better from the meds. Sorry I waited so to start on them again.
I hate taking new meds i freak about the side effects and such.I need to be taking the Lexapro soon but my life been mi vida loca as usual.Anywayz im on Augmentin i think its spelled well i figured my belly might hurt which it does.It feel like my throat is tight,and it freaks me out.I know im probally all good,because i take amoxcil alot for infections like teeth,and colds.This is something new so im going to wuss out,and take amoxcil,im telling you i got the fear im going to have a reaction to meds its crazy.Another thing is i think im dting all the time so to throw that in the mix just makes me worse..well i hope everybody is good today..