The last couple days.. I have hit a couple of my "key" triggers...... Sometimes we can avoid them or ward them off, and sometimes we can't.
I have let myself get too tired.. emotinally, mentally ... not really physically. When you are mentally tired though, you are physically tired.
Well the point is.. I wanted to smoke.. well I thought I wanted to smoke. I made a quick stop at the gocery outlet on the way home ( they don't sell smokes) and the crave had gone and I had even forgotten about wanting one.. as I was leaing the store a man walked in. Whew.. stinkey.. ahh cig smoke, then I walked to my car.. no smoke was visible but I must have walked thruough the same way he came in.. EWWW yucky..... no I don't want a smoke...
LOL... remember N O P E (not one puff ever.. and also
ask yourself H (hungry or thirsty?) A (anxious/angry?) L (lonely?) T (tired?) HALT
try to distrac yourself. do a small chore or pull a few weeds.. whatever you can ... and then wthin a little while the crave will be gone.
Have a great weekend? Bonnie
My Milage:
My Quit Date: 2/10/2008 Smoke-Free Days: 173 Cigarettes Not Smoked: 2,941 Amount Saved: $588.20 Life Gained: Days: 24 Hrs: 20 Mins: 14 Seconds: 58