hey gina, i definitely overthink... i find it hard to not dwell on the thoughts that bother me, it's what caused my panic attack to begin with. if by health you mean "mental health", yes i do worry about it, but not my health in general. I exercise regularly and that has helped A LOT, cardiovascular mostly. I also take vitamin B complex, Mg, calcium, and vitamin C, they also help immensely... i also do deep breathing exercises when i feel the anxiety spiking, that helps decrease your heart rate and is by far the most important factor that has helped me keep my anxiety from turning into a full blow panic attack. these last three days have been quite amazing, focussing on the cognitive side of things has been very helpful. simply understanding that the anxiousness is the same physical sensation i used to feel before but that now i misinterpret it has been very comforting. i used to think that i was losing my mind, and now i've accepted the fact that it's a behavioral problem that i must unlearn. i'm better off now than i was 6 months ago, and i've been making steady progress so when i compare how i am now to how i was before i feel comforted as well. i have no doubt i will get over this, it's a matter of patience and understanding :)