Quit Meter
Amount Saved
Quit Meter
Days: 1136 Hours: 3
Minutes: 42 Seconds: 50
Life Gained
Quit Meter
Smoke Free Days
Quit Meter
Cigarettes Not Smoked
Hi Bonnie and all the fellow quitters, this is an item I found on my computer it;s from Allen Carr's Book I keep it handy for bad moments it just might help!
Allen Carr’s Easyway to STOP SMOKING
Just Remember
Any impression of pleasure or relief is just the temporary suppression of withdrawal pangs.
A cigarette doesn’t relieve withdrawal pangs, it causes them.
Every smoker is a chain smoker, because every cigarette creates a hunger for the next one.
Smoking a cigarette was just a way of feeding your addiction to nicotine.
You have a nicotine feeding parasite inside you. If you refuse to feed it, it will die.
There is no such thing as just one cigarette; it’s a lifetime chain of filth and misery.
You broke the chain when you put out that last cigarette.
You are not giving up anything worth having.
You are getting rid of the worst disease you will suffer.
Every smoker you know envies you. Every smoker on Earth would love to achieve what
you have achieved - FREEDOM
Congratulations Ron! You're doing great!!