Thank you for this. i am on day 154 and still need to remind myself why i am a non-smoker. i am surprised that i am still faced with daily 'junkie thoughts' like...."obviously i can quit since i've come this far....what would one cigarette do?" i still walk by smokers on the street and look at them enviously......i still get angry when i say "i would love a cig right now" and hear "you only think you do...or No you don't...." it is a daily struggle. i no longer dream about smoking and actually dreamt the other night that i was telling a group of people about this site and how it's helped...i was basically 'preaching' in my sleep which is a huge sign i think. i take each day as it comes...but i must admit - i never realized how difficult this would be and how constant a struggle....i am glad i have the support not think i could have done this alone.
Quit Meter
Amount Saved
Quit Meter
Days: 857 Hours: 22
Minutes: 51 Seconds: 36
Life Gained
Quit Meter
Smoke Free Days
Quit Meter
Cigarettes Not Smoked
Motivation and planning are extremely important to quitting
smoking. First, think of the main reasons you want to stop. Take a piece of
paper and on one half write down the reasons you smoke. On the other half, write
down all the reasons why you should
Now you have a better idea of what you will lose and what you will gain from
stopping smoking. Circle the most important reason for you to quit. Write it
down on a separate piece of paper and keep it somewhere you can easily look at
it when you need to.