Strangely enough, the day I went to the Smoking Cessation Clinic at my doctors surgery I passed two teenage boys in the road that I live in.
One boy was slightly older than the other (maybe 12 and 14) and he helped the younger boy light up.
I could tell from the way the younger boy held the cigarette that it was fairly new to him, he also held it inside the palm of his hand so no one could see.
I wanted to go over and say ' I was you- and now here I am 50 years old and addicted- on my way to get professional help to get me off those things- look at me and learn please'
The thing is I didnt- here in the UK it is quite the 'norm' for youngsters to tell people like me to **** off and mind my own business and I have to admit I was scared to approach them- but it seemed ironic on the day I was going to get help for a life long addiction I passed a young boy just starting on the same road- shame on me I guess for not having the guts to tell him the future.
My Milage:
My Quit Date: 5/10/2008 Smoke-Free Days: 60 Cigarettes Not Smoked: 1,500 Amount Saved: $900.00 Life Gained: Days: 7 Hrs: 2 Mins: 30 Seconds: 24