My problem is kinda wierd and long, but please hear me out. I'm a 25 year old male and had my first serious panic attacks when I was 14 in the 9th grade in the middle of class for no reason. since then I have a serious episode every 3 or 4 years. I also have an average blood pressure of around normal sometimes a little high. It's been about 4 years since my last serious panic attack,I was at work where my boss had to call 911 because I seriously thought I was dying, we all know the feeling...arms get numb, face gets flushed, then the heart starts pounding about 150 and you feel seperation from reality, then totally freak out with elevated BP until it passes and you feel shaky and weak. I forgot all about my panic attacks until the other night I woke up from a dead sleep covered in sweat feeling numbness and anxious. I went to the kitchen to get a drink when all of a sudden BAM! full blown panic, My wife called 911 and it was the same thing all over again. I guess I forget how scary the attacks are when they're spaced out over years. Long story short this time I went to a cardiologist and had my heart check out good. I had an Xray, stress test, ultra sound, and am currently waiting for a thyroid blood test result, everything else was checked out fine by the doctor. He thinks it's more mental the physical. My concern now is I still feel alot of anxiety usually at night and just recently have been experiencing more Panic attacks from sleeping. My Cardiologist suggested to me Ambien to help me sleep, but the first time I tried it I woke up in a panic an hour after going to bed, but seemed worse because I'm really groggy/dilerious from the medicine.Also I had an elevated Blood pressure of around 155/85 and a pulse of around 100bpm( my normal is about 65bpm) And on a personal note I notice that a couple time during sex right after I reach an orgasm I feel major symptoms of panic..What should I do, am I near some inevidable dissaster....