Thank you, Thank you, Thank you to all that recognized my accomplishment and all of those that have supported me during this process. I can tell you that it has had its ups and downs but overall I came out on top. I find the secret is to make it as easy on yourself as possible. Don't stress just believe that everything will fall into place. This has been a life changing event for me as it just started a chain reaction of positive events and positive transformation. I don't know if I can credit my success 100% to the quit but it doesn't matter...I've changed and loving it every minute. I went from being a negative, aggressive, critical, stressful person to someone who is looking for the ultimate peace and tranquility on the inside and out. I have been reading a lot and working on myself so that I don't have to take medication to fix me and to make my transition into a better life more managable. Just thought I would share my life changing progress with you as this can become a reality for anyone and I really do believe that it starts with quitting smoking as you begin to empower yourself by beating an addiction. Last point is that you can do it, be strong and make everyday your personal paradise. We have the ultimate choice in the matter, make it what you will. A Special thanks go out to Goofy for leading the way, Moss who is a positive mentor, A1 and ML who have taught me so much through their posts.
Take care and keep the quit!
My Milage:
My Quit Date: 11/12/2007 Smoke-Free Days: 184 Cigarettes Not Smoked: 2,760 Amount Saved: $1,656.00 Life Gained: Days: 12 Hrs: 19 Mins: 51 Seconds: 43
I was just about to look up your quit day, Freedom, 'cause I knew you were at or near the six month mark, and see that Moss has beat me to it. Congrats on your achievement. Big reward time.
Moss - You, me and then A1. Yahoo!!!! No-Embers rock. Let's keep it going.
My Milage:
My Quit Date: 11/22/2007 Smoke-Free Days: 173 Cigarettes Not Smoked: 3,460 Amount Saved: $1,072.60 Life Gained: Days: 22 Hrs: 6 Mins: 5 Seconds: 14