I haven't been to this site for SO long that I had to re-register cause my email address has long since changed and I was unable to log in. LOL I see my name at the bottom of the quitters list, with Bubba's (rest his soul) My family used to be referred to around here as the 'Bear Clan'.....and I am proud to say that none of us have caved to nicotine. We all continue to be smokefree. I still have my silkquit meter running on this computer....but shucks, cigs were only 2.85 around here when I quit....I have saved way way more money than this shows.
I used to put my smoking money in a big jar...and then transfer it to a little fire proof box....One day well into the quit, I told the ole papa bear that I had saved about &3000 so far....he just grunted and said "ya, don't you wish you had that?" I just grinned and said "as a matter of fact, I DO have it!" and folks, nowdays, I always have extra money....it's funny how that seems to happen when you quit LOL
it's been so long now that I seldom even think of smoking OR quitting. Neither are a factor in my present life. So hang tough...if "I" can quit? ANYone can quit!
Proud to post my stats
[b]Kickin' ASH for Six years, three months, four weeks, one day, 15 hours, 35 minutes and 10 seconds. 92465 cigarettes not smoked, saving $13,176.16. Life saved: 45 weeks, 6 days, 1 hour, 25 minutes.[/b]
Quit Meter
Amount Saved
Quit Meter
Days: 5963
Hours: 3
Minutes: 44
Seconds: 6
Life Gained
Quit Meter
Smoke Free Days
Quit Meter
Cigarettes Not Smoked