Dear Grace, YES! I know exactly what you are talking about. A week to 10 days before my monthly I get very panicky and nervous, I also pre-cramp for about 4-5 days then have a very heavy flow then I get nausea so bad I cannot eat for about 2 days, I really dread my period. I did find drinking lots of water and walking before it along with no salt and extra sleep helps a little, if it gets really bad I take a klonopin or a half of one till it passes. I also get very moody and irritable. I think most women get this to one degree or another, but I have read its common before and during your monthly to feel much more panicky, afterwords I feel good, all those nasty hormones gone! I hope this helps, and remember its short-lived and will pass, sleep and naps help the most and if all else fails chocolate is good, it soothes the brain and has a chemical to do so. Good luck Grace. Debbie.