i going to start the whole med thing after my daughters birthday party..i also found a dr,that deals just with anxiety im going there thursday..money even though i dont have much,or any option,can stop me from reganing my life..this disase has wrecked my family,(although they stuck by me),its like come on get better your a 25 yo man...i do have the fear of meds,ive tryed alot of them,and i made it like a month with remeron i hated it,other ones between a week or so,and i just freak out the sideeffects are increased anxiety..well my anxiety is off the charts already running my life..ive come to a point deal with side effcts,and find a way to get better..im at the breaking point with this disase ive got a big job offer in a month or so,and my family needs me..God please help us all overcome this demon,the fears that bother us,we are true warriors we fight a enemy everyday that we cant even see,and that is anxiety..with your powers,and strength,make us better..take care group...