Hi Bud:
Sure here are the question. I hope it helps you and others.
1. What am I afraid might happen?
2. What might happen if I don't leave the situation?
3. What would the outcome be of entering the situation and staying there?
4. What terrible things am I predicting will happen?
5. Am I predicting that a situation will be more catastrophic or unmanageable that it likely will be?
6 In about 5 years from now, will I still be thingking about this event?
I don't know if it was that I was concentrating on how I was going to answer or if it was what I was saying to myself that helped my anxiety to go down. But it did. Give it a try, it can't hurt. Hope it helps.
I don't recall exactly how long the symptoms lasted but I'd estimate it was roughly 1 month or so. It depends on how slowly you do it. I got off of it rather quickly so my symptoms were severe but not so long lasting. perhaps if you do it slowly they will be less severe. Hope this helps. :]
Thanks Tishian for responding. I've heard that about paxil. I've been on it for a couple of years now. I want to get off of it. I think I will go to the drs. and get a mild sedative. How long did the withdrawals last for you?
Hi, I'm new to this board. I've been off Paxil for over a year now and I weaned myself off of it. I have to be honest...it's not fun. I didn't really get too anxious on it though. I realized that Paxil was just a tool to help me get the attacks under control enough to start realizing how I could control them on my own without meds. The withdrawal is hell but after I got off of Paxil I was more or less panic free. I went over a year without a major attack. I have only had one recently becuase of some major stresses in my life. In retrospect I actually wish I never went on Paxil...I gained a lot of weight and was irritable all the time. Do yourself a favor and get off and stay off of it. You have this under control. If you need help use a quick fix like xanax (but don't use it too much). That's just my recommendation. I wish I could tell you that getting off of it will be easy but that would be a lie. Just ramp down your dosage slowly...that's what I think.
Hi Everyone:
Boy, I love this site. Its nice to talk to people who understand.
Anyway, I've been feeling really good lately. I went to a dinner party, which is really anxiety provoking for me. I practiced CBT before and during the dinner. I was a little uncomfortable at times but I didn't panic. I managed to make it thru the evening without feeling the need to escape. I also, went to the grocery store and began to panic. I pulled out my list of questions to ask myself (I got from a panic attack book). I went thru each one twice and answered them. It worked. I am so thrilled. I hope I can continue to do that.
I'm feeling so good now I want to try to wean off of Paxil, I've tried a few times before but the side effects are so strong. I was wondering if anyone was successful at weaning off of Paxil and could let me know what you did??????