I think I know exactly what you mean. when I had my first full blown
panic attack, it seemed to last for a few days. I couldnt stop shaking
and couldnt sit still. I was having all sorts of imbalances, mood
swings. I lost my appitite and had trouble sleeping. Regardless, I do
not believe it is that your expeiriencing a real panic attack. Maybe at
first it was, but I think that your body is just a bit shaken up and
unbalanced and just needs a little time to rebalance itself out. I've
noticed that when I rarely have a panic attack, afterwards what i call my
awareness "panic" levels in my brain have fluctuated and amplified
above their normal levels, causing me to feel fearful and over-anxious.
But the your body is more than capable to handle both physical and
mental imbalances. the scientific term is called "homeostasis" your
body has the natural ability to calm itself down and rebalance itself
when there is an imbalance. So trust me, what ever discomfrot or pain
you are feeling, it will pass, i can pretty much guarantee it. You are
taken care of. Just give it time.