My anxiety/Panic Disorder,has been what i call diffrent waves,like diffrent periods of my life the last few years ive had this..I got it 5 years ago,and for me sitting here today still talking about i cant belive i am.I thought once i got the holter monitor results i would be fine..So for 2 years i took xanax and was a steady everyday steelworker..I drank alot,but that seemed to help me,i knew it was bad,got it rid of the feeling..I than became a hypochondrtiac to like the 3rd degree when i got gerd,i found aonther weakness in my body i was stomped..In a few months later i tried some meds the steel plant closed,and my girlfriend got pregnat..I know sit here with a 2 yo daughter (will be on the 3rd),and xanax,my family,and God guide me through each day..I also got the role of being a step dad to some young step daughters who call me as well..My point to all this i thought i had espho cancer from the gerd got the scope..still think my heart is bad after ekg's,echo,stress,the whole deal..its hard to keep my apperance up,im a good looking 25 yo man,that wont shave i get what i call a funk,it might lasts weeks even months..i will get stuck on my heart where i wont want to go to a store,or be left alone makes it difficult,im set to try lexapro this week God help me through this and the side effects..whats hard is when i dont know if any of you get it but its like a monent of clarity im my old self,working on cars,calling my friends,cleaning the house might sound familar to some of you..the impact that this has had such a bad affect on my family stress,because of lack of money,my fears,nobody really leaving me alone..than everyone shouts at me,and im to blame like a little kid..i was once brave like all you were im sure,im afraid its just going to keep getting worse,or my heart isnt good,or i wont be able to be around my family..sometimes i must lay in my bed so my girls dont see daddy shake,or curl up in ball,like im being stretched a million diffrent ways..i just want my life back..i hope somebody here could tell me what the panic does to them like how it feels,and how it affects your daily weekly,yearly life..MAY GOD BLESS US,AS WE FIGHT THIS BATTLE TO ALL ON THIS BOARD WHO HAVE PRAYED OR EVEN ANWSERED ME THANK YOU..p.s sorry for the long post..