i'm taking 6mg of xanax and i think i'm that high because of coming off paxil in november made my pa's a lot worse but, when i told my doctor that my pa's and anxiety were gone but my side effects were horrible ( sleepiness, depression,moodiness, confusion and even slurred speech) he just told me that he'd put me on effexor and taper off xanax. well, the xanax is working for the my disorder it's just the side effects that are bothering me and he didn't even consider maybe lowering my dose. i'm wondering if it's because he thinks my pa's would just come back when i personally thought that aleast 80% of them were withdrawls from paxil because they were never that bad before paxil. and when i told him what i thought he said well lets give it a week or two and see if the side effects have gone down or come in if your anxiety comes back. i felt like he was not listening and he kept acting really tired so i asked him why he was so tired and he said he was getting to old to be a baby docter. i guess he was up all night but it didn't help me. now i'm feeling better with the side effects but am still tired and don't feel myself
so i made an appt. and he's not going to be in untill next week so i asked if he could just call me and they said he's not in this afternoon but, will get the message tomorrow morning.
i really think he's just going to try to slap me on effexor and i'm at the point where i'm fed up with side effects and just don't want to take anything anymore. it's probably mostly because the xanax is doing it's job and i don't feel the anxiety anymore.
i know that your not my dr. but your thoughts would be greatly appreciated. angel-eyes