Hi all:
I really do wish someone who has a success story would reply to this with some hope for us all. I too have stopped driving since May 2004. It seems I was okay to drive on my own but when I had to pick my 3 year old son up I got all nervous, light headed and heavy head. I took lorazapam 15 minutes just before I had to pick him up but eventually my fatigue gave way and I decided it was too risky to drive this way with my son in the car.i no longer drive but want to make it a goal of mine through this program. If I succeed I will return with good news for all! :)
Your last post is just like me. I haven't driven on a highway in about 10 years. I rarely drive on roads without shoulders. I'm sorry I don't have much advice. I also put down the windows to keep me cool. I also try to make sure the muscles in my body are relaxed and concentrate on breathing properly.
Hope things improve.
Hello Jackie Same with me I can run to Walmart or take the kids to school but I can't do highways at all so I try to drive back roads everyday but lately like friday I had one when I was in traffic, It helps me to turn radio off or down and roll windows down the cool air seems to help.I don't really know what else to do when it happens.I think my problem is I don't like beimg in situations such as bridges or highways (busy) where there is no shoulder to pull over and sometimes I think about that if I am, and that will kick one off till I just try to pull off which is hard to do cause everything at that time seems surreal.
Hey TDrake,
I too have panic attacks while driving- Terrible!!
I'm not too bad if it is just driving around town, but long distances are very difficult for me. I have to drive about 20 miles to work one way, on a highway and I have an attack just about everyday. I have pulled off the side of the road contemplating calling 911.
Just yesterday I went through the car wash, and freaked out big time- I was ready to jump out of my car- I just turned the radio up and closed my eyes until it was done.
Any suggestions on this topic would help me!!
Thanks for advice.I'm glad its not just me.Do you know if there is something I can do get my mind off of it when I am driving. I felt one coming on yesterday and was trying to play word games in my head, like start with A and go to Z and think of a name that starts with each letter....well I came up with some really crazy names and had on any way but it wasnt bad
Hey all, I'm new here. My name is Rebecca, I am 21 years old. I too am having problems driving because of my anxiety. It has caused me to fail my driver's test several times. The people at the DMV say that because of my anxiety attacks while driving I am not safe to be on the road therefore they have to fail me. My fear of driving didn't start until some of my friends got killed in a car wreck a few years ago. It just tramatized me. Well, I hope to find some help here so I can finally get over my fear and get my license.
I KNOW exactly what you are saying. Sometimes I scare myself to death in the car thinking I am going to do something stupid or uncontrollable.
I was in a very bad car wreck in 2003 with an 18 wheeler and it was my worst fear come true. However; as my doctor said "Well, it happened and your okay!!"
Is that suppose to make me feel better??? :quest:
Hello all, I have no problems until I drive somewhere.I don't understand how I can be fine all day and then drive somewhere and freak out. As soon as I'm out of the car I'm fine. Does anyone else have this? I was in a car wreck but its been like 3 yrs since then so I don't think that has anything to do with it.