Hey Khris,
i do know exactly what you mean!! i have felt fine for the last couple of days, and i was thinking to myself, maybe this is all passing now, and then out of nowhere, i started getting these sharp pains on the left side of my chest, i thought, oh my god, this is it!! i started thinking because i was shoveling snow, maybe that triggered something, or maybe because a good friend of mine, whose husband has been having chest pains, went in for a heart cath, and just this morning had quadruple by pass surgery- i wonder if that triggered it?? it all seems so crazy to me how we can be feeling fine and then here comes the panic- for no reason!! Now i am back to checking my pulse every half an hour and constantly worrying again i'm going to have a heart-attack!! i'm glad to know i'm not the only one out there going thru this- hopefully we can both sleep tonight and not wonder when another one is going to hit!! Take care- jackie