I will share a little of my story. (It's too long to share it all). I too hated medication. I have had panic attacks for over 13 years. Until last year, I was able to deal with them through counseling and avoidance behaviors (avoiding isn't really dealing with them, but I felt I could at least function.) Anyway, I resisted medication of any kind. When I was diagnosed with low thyroid, I started taking the medication but stopped after a month or two. I didn't even experience bad side effects. I ended up getting back on them and now I am ok taking them.
Last year, when the bad panic attacks occurred, I ended up in the ER where I was given a shot of Ativan. At that point, the attack was overpowering my fear of medication. After the medication was given to me, I started to feel better. I saw my dr. and he prescribed Zoloft. I was very nervous about taking it, but again, I was so tired of the severe attacks so I decided to try it. The first dose gave me a panic attack. I ended up back in the ER. I went to the dr's again and he gave me Klonopin to take while my body adjusted to the Zoloft. Also, I decreased the dose of the Zoloft. If I knew then, what I have learned since, I would have just started with a much smaller dose of the Zoloft. The Klonopin was very helpful. It helped me sleep at night (when I was having the worst attacks). I had very mild side effects on my medication and now I am on a dose that works well for me. I take Klonopin only when I have an attack, but I'm having a lot fewer attacks. And the Klonopin only takes about 20 minutes to work. (We just moved-sold one house and bought another-and that was very stressful. Now that we are starting to get settled, my anxiety level is decreasing.)
Ok. That was longer then I intended. I'm really trying to say that I resisted medication for a long time. I do not regret waiting. I'm glad I went as long as I did without it but I'm also glad to have the medication now. It has really helped me get my life back in order. My recommedation is talk to your dr. about starting on the lowest possible dose of medication. (Perhaps that is what your dr. did but if you are concerned, ask him about it.) By starting slow, the side effects generally are less or nonexistent. I have heard th