Have all of the side effects not been discussed with you prior to taking the medication? You need to speak with your doctor about all of these things that are currently bothering you - as well as staying online here to get support. Never self-wean. It is never a safe or realistic goal. You have been placed on medication for a reason, if you want to come off of those medications, this is something that you and your doctor must discuss together for your optimum treatment plan.
The Panic Center Support Team
The only real symptoms or side effect Im having from Prozac is being sleepy so I take it at night and I seem to be bruising on my arms and legs. Right now I have 5 bruises on my legs. I talked to the doctor about it and she said its a side effect esp if you are taking Ibuprofen or Asprin.
I obsess about my health untill im convinced that I have some horrid disease! Its so bad I will make all the symptoms happen, I just got over my Brain Tumor fears. I symptom surfe everything it's a actual compultion for me. I can't stop cleaning my house its so bad it interfears with me life.
Hi, I have been on prozac for 30days now. I was wondering what type of symptoms do you have? I am wondering if some is from the medication. Sometimes I wonder if I should just wean myself off and try adn fight this without medication cause I don't want to be stuck on something
I was just thinking about my last Doctors visit and she said something to me that is just now starting to sinck in. She told me that with my type of Anxiety that I will need to be on Prozac for the rest of my life, that I am NEVER to stop taking it for ANY reason what so ever!!
I must be having a delayed reaction to this but the reality of what she said has just dow computed! Is this possible? Will I need this medication for the rest of my life? Has anyone ever been told this befor?
I have OCD,GAD and Panic attacks