It was very hard for me to drop my morning coffee, but I find it's more of a comfort than anything for me. So I started doing hot milk on the stove like your grandma used to do mixed with 2 teaspoons of CHAI mix you can probably find a good recipe on the net or Hot cocoa isn't too bad either.
Oh yes, I have had to give up my Starbucks because it just makes my heart palpations go nuts. I always feel worse after a big dose of my favorite mocha coffee. Sniff sniff.
I've tried to eliminate caffiene entirely, but it just doesnt work. So like everything else, moderation is the key. Just make sure that you don't over do it and it shouldnt be a huge deal
From everything I have read, it is certainly recommended.
I do not typically drink reg coffee, opting for 1 cup of decaf a day.
I also drink decaffinated soda's if I am having one (maybe 1 a week) but mainly I drink water. So much so, my dh bought me a water cooler for Christmas.
I limit my sugar intake, but do treat myself. In moderate amounts it does not bother me. Usually once a week I eat a dessert or something.
But also don't forget that we tend to talk ourselves into things, so if you have one piece of chocolate and you think it will make you more anxious there is a good chance it will.
i feel like i have to omit all caffine & sugar out of my diet or it makes me feel worse- as if i'm not anxious enough- does anyone else feel this way??