4 weeks ago my Dr put me on Zoloft for anxiety. My main complaint was heart palpitations, and waking up to a rapid pounding heart every night. Well 4 weeks after being on the Zoloft (I was on the same med 7 yrs ago for anxiety, and worked very well then, doc thought I was going through the same thing this time, that is why we tried this first) I was having the same symptoms, even the Ambien (sleeping pill) was not preventing me from waking up after 2hrs with the heart palps. Went back to the Dr, and he agrees that my heart is causing the anxiety, not the other way around. He noticed something wasn't 100% when he listed to it. He is fairly sure its an extra electrical conection which is causing the symptoms. He said its NOT dangerous, and made an appointment with a caritologist on Wednesday. He said to stop the zoloft, but continue with the ambien and xanax for sleep. He said he would put me on a beta blocker, and that would stop the symptoms, but he wants the cartiologist to take a look first. I auctually feel kind of good that they found something, it was getting frustrating and exhausting every night. Still having the symptoms every night, but I take a ambien before bed, so I get about 3 good hrs out of that, then when I wake up to the pounding heart, of course I start to panic so I take a xanax, that puts me right back to sleep. For some reason (i think anyway) my so called extra electrical connection activates when I am in the lay down position for a while. Even if I lay on the couch for a while watching tv my heart starts to do the same thing. I am feeling much better not being so tired, but I sure wake up a little hung over from all the meds. I have to ween off the zoloft so I am still on that at a reduced MG for a few days.
Sorry for the novel.