Did you know that there are people that suffer anxiety in the middle of their sleep and do not even know they have it?
They wake up gasping for air or they will have sort of a night terror. There is actually those that will get up and sleep walk through their house digging for something they think they have lost and in the morning they have no idea any of that went on. What you are describing is actually another form of panic and perhaps even sleep apnea.
That used to happen to me a lot more often than it does now, but i still get it. I also used to feel paralyzed and sort of detached from my body. I dont know if it's anxiety related, but if the doctor wants to test you for sleep apnea, you should do it.
Since I was a teenager, I can recall times where I wake up out of a dead sleep gasping for air. I never really thought much about it until the last few months since it's been happening very often (sometimes several nights a week).
I am not overweight and have no known health problems (other than panic attacks). Anyway, my doctor is wanting me to do a sleep study to rule out sleep apnea since coincedentally, my father just got diagnosed with sleep apnea (and he is young and also not obese).
I am wondering however, if this waking up gasping for air is just related to my anxiety?
Does anyone else do this?
It was so bad last night that I had to stand up to catch my breath.