Yes, indeed. Very similar to me.
I feel this way sometimes I think, "hey, I wonder if I am gonna get worse." But for the last year I have had my ups and downs. I have been of anti-depressants for the 1st time in nearly 20 years and it's been a real tough battle.
The fear of losing control goes right along with the spacey feeling and the staring at the walls feeling.
I always find that when I get up and do something, my mind awakens and I start to feel better.
I have had a lot of old bad feelings return, but a lot of good ones too, since being off meds.
Being more awake naturally means that more anxiety will present itself.
So I must build on the good feelings.
As we all know, it's tough sometimes.
My spacey feelings often involve how I prevent my panic or with depersonalization.
When these feelings hit I have a few choices. One is valium and I often g that route.
I have described valium to my therapist as it being a STOP sign. It just haults everything.
Bad side is that it really makes you tired.