It's been so long I couldn't remember my login credentials so I look like a newbie, but I'm actually coming up on 2 years smoke free and I really did run that marathon last June. I will be here to post on Feb 5, 2008 which will be my 2 year anniversary. I stop by to thank this site and tell all of those quitting that it does get better. For me, it is gone. I no longer have a desire to smoke and it feels like I never did. I honestly never thought it possible, especially in my first year of quitting. I was very whiney and had a very hard road. Believe me, if I can do it, anyone can!
From the Phreak.. phreaknbz
phreaknbz's Quit Stats
Since Sunday, February 05, 2006, I've been smoke-free for:
1 Year(s), 348 Days, 11 Hours, 57 Minutes, 20 Seconds.
I have saved $4,064.10 by not smoking 21404 cigarettes.
By not smoking I have added
71 Days, 8 Hours, 23 Minutes, 44 seconds.
to my life expectancy