You're exactly right. By the way, you can call me David, if you like.
I've dealt with certain types of anxiety for years.
I hve bad days, good days, sometimes combined bad and good days in one. I have seconds where I am anxious and then seconds later I am fine.
I think I have learned over the years that you have to kind of roll with it.
My problem lately is SAD. My doctor told me to take valium 1/ 1/2 times a day until February so I can get through these tough winter months.
It's really strange because last night at work I felt as if I did not need valium, but I took it so I would not relapse.
I recently got off triavil and it was harder than I thought. It was a very small dose, but I was on it for 10 years.
Anyway, sorry for running on.
I really feel for you on the depersonalization deal. Best thing I can suggest other than meds is to keep your mind busy and eventually you stop feeling that ay and thinking about it.
When I mentioned I had that problem at my gym a couple of weeks ago, I really was scared that night. I just finished a great workout and bang, it hit me. It was for a split-second, but it was a strong one.
I think taking of a 1985 movie brought back something.
1985 was a bad year for me. It was the first time my anxiety really got out of hand. I was 19 and terrified of what was happening to me.
I've had bad problems since then, but have learned new ways to deal with the problems.
OK, I just ran on again, but I really want to help you.
Ask anything you like and I can try and share my personal dealings in hopes that it helps you.
I use many natural methods too. Staying away from industrialized foods is one way. There is so much junk in what our society calls regular food. My folks own a health food store and I have learned a lot about how going back to natural foods can help.
Another key: Exercise, exercise, exercise. :).
Find your favorite kind and do it.
Mine is weights, cardio and stretching.
Feel better,