outlaw - I know what you mean. At 4:00 a.m. Monday morning I woken out of a dead sleep by 4 very strong "surges" in my heart then it started beating so hard i felt like I was going to throw up. I thought I must be having a heart attack so i quickly found some plain aspirin chewed it like you are supposed to do called 911 opened the front door, turned on the porch light just in case I died of a heart attack before they arrived. I layed down on the couch & kept telling my self to calm down & tried to take deep breaths. When the paramedics got there they hooked me up to a portable ekg, pulse monitor & took my blood pressure. They told me I was NOT having a heart attack but my blood pressure was 140/80 - I am always 110/70 - so I guess the freaking out caused my blood pressure to skyrocket. They told me I should probably go to the hospital so they could draw blood b/c if I was having cardiac issues certain enzymes would be released into my blood. So off I go to the emergency room they take my blood, hook me up to a heart monitor and gave me some Ativan- GREAT STUFF. They confirmed that I wasn't having a heart attack & by this time my blood pressure & pulse rate had returned to normal but they offered to admit me for stress test, ecg, mri, x-rays etc. which took all day, I was also hooked up to a heart monitor all day as well. As I am sitting there in the bed hooked up to a heart monitor which is showing TOTALLY NORMAL I can feel my heart flipping, flopping, pounding and it wasn't showing up on the monitor - WHAT IS UP WITH THAT!!! anyway after being prodded, poked, x-rayed, ecg, mri etc. The doctor comes in shows me all the tests tells me I am perfectly fine & to go home. I asked how come I was still feeling the palps & the heart rate monitor wasn't picking up all the activity. He said that my heart rate ( althought I felt it was pounding, flopping etc.) was showing totally normal activity for the past 12 hours he assured me again I was fine. Here I am 2 days later and I feel absolutely fine but I am still freaked out by what happened. Please don't worry you are not alone