My chest feels better each day that passes, I do have small recurances of sensitivity, burning , sore to touch(my shirt touching my chest bothers me sometimes), and pain which feels deep in my chest, usually a constant pain with the occasionally sharp pain here and there, sharp pains are gone though since I started to relax a bit more. Like the others said take a hot bath or shower relax, I actually put Rub a535 on my chest and though it was a funny feeling at first it relaxed my chest like you cant believe"
Ya i hear ya mine is tender to touch to,which i belive is muscle related but my left arm hurts alot to,but that could be from when i was taking my blood pressure alot..thank you for your kind words..i hope all is well the people there are so cool,they said they will call me monday,because im so worried,they even bumped me up a week because i was so racing heart is crazy to the showr and xanax used to work like money,but sometimes i take a hot shower,and off to the races it goes you know lol i dunno i hope all is well,so they pretty much so it all there huh before i left i pray so he looked twice and said it looks good..i just cant wait to chill out later..