Boy does that sound familiar! You smoke 3 cigs or 3 packs a day? 3 cigs wouldnt even worry me! I smoke 1 or 2 packs, the more I am stressed, the more I smoke! duh! I worry about cancer yea, I go smoke some more.
Okay, I am a smoker. I smoke about 3 ciggs a day. I have a habit..not an addiction. It just happens to be a habit that is hard to break. :-( At any rate, with all of us dealing with the panic and health mental issues we deal with, I am wondering if any other smokers panic about the fact of smoking? like...for example. You get chest pain. Now generally we assume we are having heart attacks. I know, you almost have to laugh to keep from crying. So those of us that are at some point convinced it is not the BIG ONE do you start to obsess about something like lung cancer? tumors?? Every panic attack I tell myself "that is it! I am not smoking anymore!!" then it passes and I go smoke a cigg to calm my nerves. lol
Ahhh, what a strange group we are. sniff sniff.